Happy New Year!
The video for Chris Riddell’s 2017 lecture is now live at our website. If you missed this excellent lecture then do visit the site and listen to it (and it is very much worth watching too, as it was certainly the most visually entertaining lecture that we have ever hosted).
There was no video made for Allan Ahlberg’s 2016 lecture, but this is a reminder that there is a particularly interesting PDF version of Allan’s lecture available to download at the website. It’s a facsimile of his notes complete with hand written annotations and images of many of the documents and object that Allan used to illuminate the talk.
Finally, a reminder about the date of this year’s lecture. From now onwards, the lecture will be held earlier, in the Spring of each year. The 2018 lecture will be given by Francis Hardinge and will take place on Thursday the 19th of April in the Mary Allan Building, Homerton College, Cambridge.